Let me make one thing clear before you read on, this is going to be easier than you thought it would be!! The two biggest fears about contacting someone about change are:
Neither of these are true!
Let me explain exactly how the mind works and I promise that whatever is going on for you will make much more sense.
Your mind is like a huge filing cabinet that has a store of every memory you've ever had, is storing the memories you are creating right this very second and will keep storing every memory you will have for the rest of your life. This is your mind's job!
It stores these 'files' simply to help you make sense of the world today. How do you know how you like your coffee? How do you know what music you like? How do you know you're scared of spiders?!
When you do something, your mind checks back on it's bank of memories to work out what to do. Should you run? Laugh? Eat? Cry? Cheer like a mad thing? All of these decisions are based on your memories.
When we help people like you change, we use really easy tools like NLP, Coaching, Hypnosis and Time Line Techniques and just rearrange your files! Simpe as that. It is totally possible to permanently delete old emotional baggage from your past and literally reprogram your mind like a computer. I know it sounds to good to be true and that's why we get all these surprised faces when the change happens so quickly!!
These things are simple, effective and powerful. Most clients see me for about 4 sessions, many times less and this is even for the big stuff!! Seriously, if ANY 'file' in your mind isn't helping or you just wish it wasn't there anymore then I can help you change it NOW.
In our time doing NLP & Hypnosis we have helped people stop anxiety, fear and panic attacks, improve their self esteem, stop smoking, beat depression, stop addictions to drugs and food, make the physical symptoms of diseases such as Crohns, Fobromyalgia and Eczema disappear, lose weight, radically transform relationships, find true love, become more confident, radically improve performance in professional, top-flight sports and career contexts, and so many other things that to list them it would take most of the page!
We work with every type of person from your next-door neighbour to celebrities to your boss to that person in the supermarket that looked really smiley. The numbers of people that are changing their lives and being more successful, happier and more fulfilled is becoming endless! Remember, we all work the same way, we all just need a little help to get things sorted out in our heads now and again.
If it is time for you to change and you are tired of waiting for it to happen then get in touch. We offer everyone a free consultation session so there is absolutely no reason not to at least find out if we can help you get to where you want to be now.
You know the emails that take ages to read and give loads of info? Well, mine isn't one of them but, if you want to get something in your inbox that makes you smile while you think, sign-up below :)